The Markets (as of market close August 30, 2024) Despite moments of trepidation, the stock market extended its winning streak to three straight weeks. And even with its rough start, August marked the fourth month in a row of positive returns. Several encouraging...
In December 2023, Vladimir Putin declared that the 2024 BRICS Summit, hosted by Russia, would be focused on establishing a “fair world order” based on shared principles. At the core of Putin’s goals for stronger BRICS economic integration is a longstanding and...
The Markets (as of market close August 23, 2024) Investors finally heard what they had been waiting for after Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell gave clear indications that the central bank will lower interest rates in September. Powell noted that the labor market...
In his recent speech, Federal Reserve (Fed) Chairman Jerome Powell focused on the fragilities of the labor market and is preparing markets for the new phase for policy. “The time has come for policy to adjust.” A soft landing looks achievable, barring any shocks....
The Markets (as of market close August 16, 2024) Wall Street rebounded after a rough start to the month, to close out its best week of the year. Investors saw alot of economic data that did little to change the expectations of an interest rate reduction in September....